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      |      Travel Advisory ➞ On Thursday June 06th, there will be a live exercise at Saba airport between 9am-12pm LT. The airport will be closed to air traffic during these hours, with the exception of a real-time emergency, normal operations will resume after 12pm.
      |      Travel Advisory ➞ On Thursday June 06th, there will be a live exercise at Saba airport between 9am-12pm LT. The airport will be closed to air traffic during these hours, with the exception of a real-time emergency, normal operations will resume after 12pm.
      |      Travel Advisory ➞ On Thursday June 06th, there will be a live exercise at Saba airport between 9am-12pm LT. The airport will be closed to air traffic during these hours, with the exception of a real-time emergency, normal operations will resume after 12pm.